Success Story 1

Client: Ms P, teacher, single

1) Challenge – not able to save each month, worried for her future and also for her mother who is alone in her hometown in Sibu, Sarawak

2) Proposal – simple savings concept using the JARS concept ( by creating a Financial Freedom Account (FFA) for her future. In the meantime she is also protected should unforeseen circumstances like Death (lump sum to her mum) or Total Permanent Disability/ Critical Illness/ lose ability to earn an income (auto savings) happens

3) Response – initially preferred only savings without protection, but soon realized it is equally as important because life is uncertain. Plus, she is still young and have many more years to save. The habit of setting aside money for savings is what that matters

4) Feeling – she felt good to be able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone (savings + protection)

5) Conclusion – she would be still struggling to save enough each month and the end goal of sufficient retirement goal or being able to provide for her family in the future had she not take up the plan. Now, she can sleep well knowing the fact the solved both concerns successfully

Success Story 2

Client: Mr M, executive, father of 1

1) Challenge – realized he has not enough life insurance for himself. He has always wanted at least RM 500,000 of life insurance protection for his family

2) Proposal – in conjunction with Great Eastern 110 years celebration, company will double the amount for life insurance (for death of natural causes) purchase, for example RM 100,000 coverage becomes RM 200,000 with this special plan. I proposed this using the human life value concept (

3) Response – initially he was not ready, but since this specially selected campaign plan by company without medical underwriting, he agreed to proceed without a second thought

4) Feeling – immediately from his current RM 100,000 coverage, he now has RM 500,000 as he gotten RM 200,000 of extra life insurance protection

5) Conclusion – had he not make this decision, he will still be uncomfortable as being a father of 1, he felt the burden for his wife and child should anything happen to him. This proposal has instantly given him a peace of mind

Success Story 3

Client: Madam Y, retired, mother of 4

1) Challenge – worried of her final expenses cost (burial cost, etc). Average funeral cost at Nirvana is a whopping RM 20,000 averagely (

2) Proposal – special campaign plan for the elderly (age 45-70 qualify) using the concept of the cost of life insurance is only 2-3 cents to 1 ringgit. Plus, this plan does not require medical check-up, even if one has history of critical illnesses

3) Response – ok to proceed but decided to check with her son for the amount. Finally settled for RM 20,000 life insurance protection, of which premium was paid by her son

4) Feeling – created an instant peace of mind for both mother and son. Her son, being the nominee, will eventually receive the money for final expenses

5) Conclusion – her decision has created a sense of security and peace in the minds she and her family members